Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Sketches - Tautas Deja

Daughter dear had dancing practice today and I was allowed to watch as it was an on stage rehearsal for a concert (we are normally not permitted to watch), so I sketched a bit :)

They "folk dance", which in Latvia is almost like how ballet is in some other countries. Most kids here grow up doing some form of folk dance. The shoes, when they were when in costume, remind me of cross between Indian moccasin and ballet shoes, and they wear thick wool socks with symbols. At Gabs age group 5-7 there are about equal number of boys and girls.

Pop by Blue Chair Dairy to see some fantastic Sunday Sketches

And Art Every Day to see some super day 14 art!



Katerina Galati said...

Hello Jehanne,
I'm Katerina from Greece.
You've done wonderful sketches!! Your daughter must be very happy with the dancing lessons!!!
I do like the explanations you shared with us about the folc dances, i'm always interesting of learning about different cultures.

Marlene said...

Your sketches are wonderful, they show the movement of the tiny dancers so well. It is also fun to learn about life in other countries. Very interesting, here there are always way more girls in dance class than boys, it is kind of sad.

WrightStuff said...

They are great - you captured the movement and fun of the lessons perfectly.

EVA said...

Love the movement in your sketches! You sure captured the fun the kids are having! Great job!

Anne Butera said...

Sweet little sketches!

Lenora said...

Dance is so free at that age - it is almost a shame to push them into structure at that age - but then when you see what they can do by 10 it is not so much a shame :-) Love the feeling and movement you portray here!

Brian Miller said...

these are captured a little snippet of life very well...

Nelly said...

These are so adorable. I love the back of the little girl holding the hands of other girls.

They are just so sweet.

andrea said...

Your sketches are wonderful. I have spent lots of time over the years sketching my children at swim lessons, baseball practice and dancing. Your sketches look so alive and have wonderful movement :)

Morph Waffle said...

Great sketches, so sweet and wonderful subjects (I always use my kids as models).

Julia Christie said...

These are just so adorable! I love anything dancing and these capture these little sweeties so well!

Great work.


Heather said...

I am loving seeing your sketches. you have great, fun movement here, love the braids and holding hands....too cute. glad to hear boys and girls dancing together! xxoo

Debbie said...

I love the sketches & especially love the motions that you captured! Thanks for sharing about the dance too. Very interesting!

Maron said...

Just love your sketches and the little history lesson about your dance costumes!

Kelly said...

Very sweet sketches! What a great use of your wait time as well!

Priscilla said...

Wonderful sketch, you really captured the dance. Makes me feel like I am there.

Shayla said...

Great sketches! You have your own style of art, that is what I want to achieve someday! AWESOME WORK!

Kristin Dudish said...

Such wonderful sketches - how fabulous to have such great models for your drawing! I love the fun and innocence you captured :)

Tammie Lee said...

your sketches are so charming!

Jehanne's doodles said...

Thank you all for your kind comments. It was nice to have some inspiration upfront :)