Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kitty cat on Sunday

Ahh down with a cold still. It has been a week and life, kids and Christmas plays do not give leave to those of us who are sick :( This week I dragged myself about infecting as many of the good citizens who were not already infected ( not many mind you) and got what I need to put together for darling daughter's costume. There is no real rhyme or reason to costumes at pre-school here, it seems to be whatever the parent wish will do, and this year DD decided she wanted to be a cat and an orange cat at that. Well looking around the orange got axed and she has finally accepted she will be a brown cat. Here is a sketch of how I hope our final creation will look. It should not be very complicated as I found a second hand adult brown shirt and now I need to just added the bowa like multibrown yarnie thing, some pink felt and then make the bando, and whala it is  done. Ahh if the cold will just let up now.  Hoping you have a snot free Sunday and see the sun, and pop on by  Sunday Sketches.


Unknown said...


linda (dots n doodles) said...

Why is is that colds and flu always appear when you are at your busiest? Lovely little sketch, the costume looks like it is going to be gorgeous and your daughter will look so cute.

Unknown said...

Hi Jehanne, sorry your feeling rough. Miss DD will look gorgeous in her will all be worth it in the end. I'm hearing your pain...I'm in the middle of making 22 antler headdresses with hands as models for the end of year school Sing Sing...Rudolph the red nosed reindeer in French... not quite the same but the kids are enjoying it... hope you feel better soon... :)

WrightStuff said...

Hope you feel better soon - keep up with the vitamin C!

It seems everyone has a cold. I am trying to dodge them.

Your sketch is adorable so your daughter will be too.


ANNE said...

Sorry about your cold! Your sketch is absolutely adorable!!


Gwen said...

An orange cat would have been nice, but brown is so cute and cuddly!

Anonymous said...

lovely sketch and the costume will be so cute, I think we get colds when we busy because we are a bit run down, take care!

Tammie Lee said...

this is so very cute!
be well and healthy!

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely sketch ~ adorable! ~ Feel better soon ~thanks, namaste, Share the Creative Journey (Carol)

Christine said...

Nice painting, the costume looks just great and hope you feel better soon!

Tina said...

feel better jehanne...its going around in the sketch very cute


Heather said...

she's so cute! i want to hug her - and you - hope you are felling better soon! xo

Tracey FK said...

that is an adorable sketch and the costume will be sooo cute... clever you that you can make something like that... hope the flu has left and that you are feeling better...xx

Victoria said...

wow..stunning..what a beautiful soul!!

Debbie said...

i feel a bit of a sniffle coming too...i hope you are better soon! your sketch is very cute! Btw, you won my contest! Please email me your address and choice of artwork!

Lenora said...

love the hair. Get a good rest (if you can - busy busy!)

Joni Nickrent said...

Feel better soon...actually hope you're feeling purrrrr-fect soon...just like your sweet kitty sketch!

Molly said...

so sorry to hear that you're under the weather. hope you start feeling better soon!

adorable kitty sketch!

Morph Waffle said...

Hope you feel better, and your drawing is adorable!

Helen said...

I love your sketch, it has a really old feel to it - like it has come out of an much loved children's book. Hope you feel better.

Jehanne's doodles said...

Thanks :) It did not turn out the same but similar enough that she is happy :)