Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday 1st of 2012

It's Sunday, the first day of the week for some and the  first day of 2012!  It is also time for making  resolutions and rituals. I have not done the latter before with my kids but I think we will do it today - the writing on paper what you want to achieve and the burning of it.. or maybe that was only in Lent. So here is to new beginnings, fresh starts, and I hope some snow. Come on snow you have been missed! 
Wishing you all a fantastic 2012 and all the Sunday Sketchers one too.

p.s this is a mix media journal page with a slightly over textured face - gives her some funny creases :) ignore the writing if you can :)


carol l mckenna said...

Love your art creation and the message ~ color, composition is wonderful ~ Happy New Year, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

Unknown said...

Lovely one!! Have a great 2012!!

Paula said...

Flow of magic!

Unknown said...

this is beautiful!!! what a great start to a whole new year!!! Wishing you all the best in 2012!!!! Happy New Year!!!

Kristin Aquariann said...

Happy New Year! Enchanting journal page. I think the writing is nice!

Lenora said...

lovely! Love the colour work! My kids and i often collage our new years goals - a powerful tool - haven't gotten to it yet but will later in the week i hope!My daughter wrote her bad habits on paper and burned them today - seems cool..

Tammie Lee said...

this is quite sweet and lovely Jehanne

wonderful 2012 to you~