Saturday, August 31, 2013

Creating Lino cut like prints via photoshop

coloured illustration to black and white lino print to coloured/inked lino print.

I saw an interesting job up on a freelance site and it asked for lino cut prints - traditional or computer generated. I had not a clue how to do this, but figured it should be possible. So I went off to google and play and this is the result. Yup I am rather happy with it :) This might be because I do not know the difference LOL
The tutorial can be found here

Hope you all have a happy weekend and please join our friends at Sunday Sketches. 


Unknown said...

Looks good to me but then I don't know the difference either. They do look scary. I know Christmas will be on us before we can blink... :(

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I love your original illustration and the way you transformed it digitally into a linocut is brilliant. Thanks for the link to the tutorial. Blessings!

Lynn Cohen said...

Your cuts are delightfully drawn and captured! Did you get the job?

Ginny said...

I think it looks great and you had fun playing. What could be better than that?

janice smith said...

Hmmm...Never even thought about generating a linocut on computer. I may have to check out that tutorial. Thanks for including the link! Have a lovely week. xo, janice

Abigail Davidson said...

Cool design!

Jehanne's doodles said...

Thank you all for your lovely comments.
Lynn- The job is still open,so I still have my fingers crossed :)