Sunday, February 10, 2013

a rabbit on Sunday

Ahh I final got something done on a Sunday - yeah !  So I get play on  Sophia's  Sunday Sketches. Hope you all have a great day.


Heather said...

adorable, i love the flow! I have bunnies on my mind, too this week! xx

carol l mckenna said...

This so adorable and well illustrated ~ filled with personality ~

Carol of : (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Christine said...

This is so cute! It reminds me that Easter is coming early this year!

lissa said...

a purple rabbit, quite adorable and I like how his ears curve.

have a sweet day.

Tammie Lee said...

this is a joy to see, completely adorable.

Unknown said...

Hi Jehanne, love the rabbit. He better not stand there too long, or I'll have him skinned and in the pot for Sunday dinner... :) you know what the French are like.. :D x

Lynn Cohen said...

And a sweet cutie he/she is too!
Delightfully so! Happy Sunday Sketching! Thanks for sharing.

Anne Manda said...

Cutest creature, fun and sweet! <3

WrightStuff said...

Ah.... dreaming of Easter and Spring :)

Tam Hess said...

OH and it's so adorable...cute colors and everything!! Hooray for getting art done :) :)

Jehanne's doodles said...

Thank you all for your comments they have made my day ♥

Tina said...

one of my favorites
so cute jehanne