Sunday, March 31, 2013

A blue bird on a Easter Sunday

A little digital watercolour blue bird in the hope that spring will soon come for us and my entry for  Sunday Sketches. Hope you all have a great Easter Sunday.


sharon said...

This is wonderful, I am having a struggle keeping the birds away from my grapes. So I appreciated this!

Unknown said...

Hi Jane
love the expression on his face.. Happy are those lambs? xx

linda (dots n doodles) said...

He is wonderful, such a super expression as well.

PaintingWrite said...

oh my goodness - he is adorable! such a sad little face! I love him!

Debbie said...

I love his chubby tummy, so cute! Happy Easter!

stefanie stark said...

This bird looks so lovely and cute! Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Oh ~ so adorable and well done ~ Happy Day ^_^

Thanks for visiting and commenting ^_^

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

He's adorable with those big sweet eyes. Have a blessed Easter!

Alicia C said...

oMG he's so adorable!! and possibly a bit sad... maybe spring will cheer him up!

Anne Manda said...

Very cute - those eyes! Lovely, soft style!

GalleryJuana said...

I am so looking forward to berry season.
This little birdie is adorable!

Sarah Leonard said...

I love your little blue birdy and am intrigued by the idea of a digital watercolour. Do you use Illustrator for that?

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

WrightStuff said...

cutchie cutchie coo!! Adorable!

janice smith said...

What a cutie. I love what you're doing with Artrage...amazing colors and beautiful marks. Looks like you're having fun!

Jehanne's doodles said...

Thank you all for your sweet comments ♥♥