Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fortune telling on a Sunday

It is April now and each day on the local news portal there are predictions of when Spring will come. We wait in anticipation of that day as it snows and snows. There is not talk of summer as yet :)   So today my Sunday Sketches entry is a fortune teller.
Digital water colour with a touch of digital colour pencils.
Wishing you a Wonderful Sunday ♥♥♥


Unknown said...

Hi Jehanne,
Love your little fortune teller girl...wishing you Spring any day... :)x

Deanna said...

Your little fortune teller is simply adorable! I love how you captured the glow of her crystal ball.

manomij said...

I hope she will predict lots of good weather for the summer! ManonX

Christine said...

This is fantastic, I love the look of digital colour, perfect colouring of course and and a fabulous shade of purple.

Anonymous said...

She is adorable and so well done ~ Wonderful! ^_^

thanks for visit and comments.

Alicia C said...

OMG she is so darling!!!! those big eyes!

Anne Manda said...

You did the light so wonderfully! Very cute little fortune teller and great atmosphere!

Jenn Borjeson said...

Love her so much!!!!!

Tam Hess said...

Oh she's so sweet...if anyone can figure it out, it's her! ;)

sharon said...

She is so cute, hope you get spring soon, we have just zoomed into autumn,chilly mornings brr...

Victoria said...

How gorgeous and magical..she is her beautiful head veil and the table cloth is magnificent..stunning piece..full of enchantment!
Happy SS

Unknown said...

that crystal ball really glows. So magical!!

janice smith said...

Love your digital work, Jehanne. This little fortune teller is just terrific. As for has to come eventually, right? Hang in there!

linda (dots n doodles) said...

Your little fortune teller is so lovely. Such a wonderful whimsical piece and great digital work.

Jehanne's doodles said...

Thank you all for your wonderful words :)