Sunday, February 6, 2011

This and that on Sunday

 the bird
 the mouse
cutwork butterflies and flowers
A family crafty morning :) The bird and mouse were made with modeling clay (got tons of the stuff) by daughter dear and darling son and a bit of help from mum :) The cut work is something I did last night and this morning - testing out some designs I created. I actually really like the doing cutwork designs and the actual thing, but  it seems to have caused my finger to get a serious callus :( and that is only from doing it a couple of hours ( I discovered paper cutwork last week lol)

The cut work is my entry to Sophia's Sunday Sketches. If you got a moment pop by there and check out the other fantastic artist who take part in SS.


Marlene said...

The cutwork is amazing! I don't think I would have the patience to do that type of work. Is it hard to keep the cuts so smooth?

Jehanne's doodles said...

Thanks Marlene:) Some of the cuts are not too smooth ( picture not a big blow up lol), but no it is not too hard to do, all you need is to make sure your blade is sharp and move the paper around as you.

Morph Waffle said...

Cute bird and mouse, they make me smile! The cut work is so pretty, way to go with that!

Christine said...

gosh that is impressive, your cutwork. And I love the little bird and mouse. Interesting contributions this week Jehanne.

Tammie Lee said...

your butterfly is lovely.
i wonder if you can hold the knife more gently and still do it, or if the knife is rough if you can but something soft around that part?

Julia Christie said...

Really cute sculptures, and the cutwork is soooo amazing! It looks really hard to do!

I love it!


Sinderella's Studio said...

I can't imagine doing that detailed work!!! absolutely beautiful.
cheers, dana

WrightStuff said...

Wow, you must have incredible patience to do that cut work. I've seen such pretty things done like this, but never tried. You did a great job.

GalleryJuana said...

amazing cut art.
hope your fingers heal up well.

Abby / Linda said...

I can see why you would get a callous! But worth it!

lissa said...

must have taken a lot time to cut out those patterns, very creative and looks quite difficult

Debbie said...

Nice cutwork! and your mouse and bird are adorable!

Heather Foust said...

Very cute figure in clay. Tell your children I think they are beautiful! Also love the cutouts!

Reflections said...

Wow... amazing detail on the cutwork. Fabulous!

Kristin Dudish said...

What a fun mouse and bird... I am in love with the birds dangly legs and bright feathers!

Your cutwork is amazing! (I always get calluses and sore fingers when I cut stencils - I can only imagine the pain with such intricate details)!


gatheringwonder said...

I love this post - bring some of the whimsy over to the Web of Whimsy ~

Cori Lynn Berg said...

Wow that is amazzzzzzzzing! Do you ever look at Chinese cutwork for inspiration?

Jehanne's doodles said...

Thanks you all :)

Hi Cori - yup I found a youtube of some yesterday. I am trying to figure out what all the different blades in my set are used for- still haven't found that out yet lol

Heather said...

WOW, your cutwork is amazing. I admire your skill at that and the patience you must have to do that!
such cute little figures modeled out of clay. LOVe the orange feathers...nice and cheerful! xxoo

Unknown said...

Hi Jeanne,

Love your cut work..beautiful and so delicate..your poor fingers...Have to say, I love daughter dear and darling son's bird and mouse...the bird had me smiling....

Helen said...

OMG you cut that! How wonderful.

Jehanne's doodles said...

Thanks you all :)