Sunday, May 30, 2010

IF - Slither

Been looking off and on at Illustration Friday and decided to take a turn. This is my attempt at slither. Subconsciously I think I am preparing myself to get to the nitty gritty in Anansi. Just got six illustrations to do and they are all roughly (very roughly) sketched, then I can start to ink out and paint. Taking my mum's advise I wrote down the brushes I used for this, as I can never remember which brushes I used for what.

On the embroidery design front, (yes I have not stopped doing that) I was working on the alphabet I started eons ago and I am at T in the capitals but I am not happy with it, so I am not sure it will make the light of day :( Maybe if I got the common ones and see how they work together there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

A nice sunny day today and this week I think will be my last week doing major garden work so I hope I will be sit still and do some more art very soon.



emilayusof said...


Unknown said...

Sweet! I love the little trail on the stem. Snail trails are so pretty as they glisten on the sidewalk in the morning sun but then you realize where they come from. I'd love to see your alphabet :)

MrBibleHead said...

Very cool and nicely done!!


very sweet and soft ♥

Jehanne's doodles said...

Thank you :)